Tuesday, March 17, 2009


All I can say is I am truly blessed! Certain things in my life just go so smoothly and I can only say "thank you Lord"! When things work out for my friends or family I still feel blessed just to know them. Sometimes I feel like maybe my prayers for them helped in some way. Prayer is my powerful shield that I can use to ward off any ill or evil thoughts, actions, people, or just anything that can be a stumbling block in my life. Prayer seemed so hard for me and to pray in front of people was even worse. Now, after learning how prayer is your relationship with God and to understand that if you just talk to Him as would any other relationship you have then there is no wrong way. Last night in prayer group I relized that I have been blocking myself or quenching the Spirit in my walk. I let others criticism, remarks and myassumptions of those hinder me in ways that are critical with my walk. After the awesome prayers that went up last night, I realized that I'm not living for others and what they think, I'm living for God! I follow HIm only! We live in such a judgmental world that I sometimes have to stop, take a deep breathe and just pray. Pray for those I come in contact with, those I pass by throughout the day and those that are so close to my heart. I thank God everyday for the church and the church family that he has lead me to. He knew what I needed in my life and made the path for me to follow. I just had to realize the conviction and follow through! We as christians must stand up for Jesus and spread His word. Live each day as if it were our last and no matter what stumbling blocks are thrown in our way, turn to God and He will send you flying over those obstacles. We are not perfect and never will be, but it's the climb for the Christ like perfection that we work for and strive to become. For we are to be in His image so others may see Him through us!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Great Weekend

ok, so I haven't been blogging as much because I need to feel inspired or creative or even moved. So this weekend, I spent Saturday with my sisters and my cousin, and now I feel like blogging. I had so much fun with them! I laughed so hard that I woke up with a scratchy throat and i think sometime amist the laughter I almost peed in my pants. I hullahooped in Wal-Mart and even had one of those laughs were your mouth is opened but no sound comes out with tears streaming! I had bought some of those big round Cheetos (their new) and Breta decided to try and make them stick on her eyes, she ended up with orange crumbs all in her lashes and looked like she had contracted a new strain of conjunctvitis! Just thinking about it makes me laugh! I love my sisters and never had such a good time as Saturday night. We got up and went to church this morning and I sang at Denise's church. It was so awesome to be together in the God's house again. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend and we have decided to do this more often. Siblings and family are so important in your life, you don't realize how much you miss them until you spend time together after not seeing each other for awhle. I think they are the reason I act the way I do sometimes. I get the best laughs out of them! I love to make them laugh, I can't remember having so much fun with them growing up as we did Saturday night! Pics are posted on facebook if get a chance to look at them! No matter what friends come and go and no matter what anyone does to you, you will always have your sisters to make you laugh until you cry and cry until you laugh. My greatest blessing is having sisters like Denise and Rhea, love yall and you too Breta. Thanks for giving me a great weekend!