Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just a Note

I have had such a rollercoaster week. I've been on spiritual highs and down deep in the valley, but no matter how low I feel i always have my God with me. I have some awesome friends too! I just don't know how I could move back up to that Mt. top without the love of my friends. If I ever feel like I"m losing faith or feeling like I just can't go any further...there they are with God standing in front of me saying, "Leslie, what are you doing?, this is not you? You know God has a plan for for you?" I can't think of anything that I have ben through lately, that I have not been able to turn to my church family and friends. But, then I feel like I have lost one. So much of me has been shown and now I feel like I've lost a big piece. I don't understand what has happened and I pray that one day this friend will come back. I hurt for this friend but I turn to prayer! I just want this friend to know that nothing was done with intent to harm or with intent to betray. I will always be here for this friend!
I have so much going on right now but the devil is still weeping! God is winning this battle...once again! Everytime that stumbling block is placed in front of me, I think of Job, and how he never wavered in his faith nor turn from God. I have been down that road and I will never turn back again! The devil is trying to hit me from every angle...whether it be my family, my school, my friends, he's trying everything to win me back....but devil I've got some words for you! YOU ARE BENEATH ME! YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OF THIS CHILD OF GOD!

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